Quality typography makes a great book better.

How and Where to Win
Bloomberg Law
Editype has typeset dozens of titles covering multiple law topics: Business, Intellectual Property, Labor and Employment, White Collar Crime, and more.
Extensive footnotes, tables, figures, and blockquotes are common elements in these books. Developing an efficient workflow and detailed style sheets — plus keeping copious notes and querying editors on content issues — helps maintain a standard of excellence for the entire product line.
Leave Act
Bloomberg Law
Bloomberg Law
Bloomberg Law
Before the NLRB
Bloomberg Law
ADR in Employment Law
American Factoring Law
Anti-Corruption Law: Guide to the FCPA & Beyond
Art of the Estate Tax Return
Biotechnology & the Federal Circuit
BNA’s Directory of State and Federal Courts, Judges, and Clerks
CERCLA Law and Procedure
Copyright Law Deskbook
Demonstrative Aids at Trial
The Developing Labor Law
Drafting Patent License Agreements
Electronic Discovery Practice Under the Federal Rules
Employment At Will: A State-by-State Survey
Employment Discrimination Law
Evidence in Patent Cases
Executive Compensation
The Fair Labor Standards Act
Family & Medical Leave Act
Family Responsibilities Discrimination
Federal Appellate Practice
Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Global Patent Litigation
How to Prepare & Present a Labor Arbitration Case
How to Take a Case Before the NLRB
Intellectual Property Transfer
International Patent Litigation
Making Employee Ownership Work
Media Law
Mergers & Acquisitions of Privately Held Companies
Oklahoma Courts Directory
Patent Law and Practice
Patent Prosecution Case Digest
Patent Prosecution: Law, Practice, and Procedures
Patents After the AIA
Patents and Standards: Practice, Policy & Enforcement
Pharmaceutical Patent Law
Preserving Electronically Stored Information
Prior Art After the AIA
Privilege Issues in the Age of Electronic Discovery
The Railway Labor Act
Responding to Corporate Criminal Investigations
Sexual Harassment in Employment Law
Spoliation in the Electronic Age
Supreme Court Practice
Tortious Interference in the Employment Context
Trade Secrets: A State-by-State Survey
Trademark Dilution
Trademark Infringement Remedies
Wage and Hour Laws: A State-by-State Survey
Workplace Data Law
it’s like having an additional proofreader.”
I don’t think there’s another typesetter out there who does what you do!”

Mage Publishers
Working on fine art books is a privilege and a joy: beautiful artwork and stunning photography, coupled with fine typography and in some cases bilingual text. Color quality is paramount with these projects, and reviewing press proofs is always exciting.
Some of these titles are out-of-print, or have been released in new and expanded editions.
Mage Publishers
Smithsonian Books
Mage Publishers
Mage Publishers
Mage Publishers
Mage Publishers
Mage Publishers
Mage Publishers
Mage Publishers
Mage Publishers
Mage Publishers

The Sturge-Weber Foundation
Composing scientific publications requires a sharp eye for detail. Extended character sets and equations must be handled with care. Add a few tables and graphs, and page composition can get complicated.
Good editors help the process by organizing source materials. Editype completes the picture by carefully reviewing all content when it arrives in our shop, and tracking each element at all stages of production.
Essential Elements
ILSI Press
ILSI Press
Dietary Restriction
ILSI Press
ILSI Press